Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Update - Reason number 32509448 to move out of my parents' house

Now that my little sister is home, my mom is cooking like a crazy woman, trying to convince my sister to eat at home for free rather than oing out and spending time with her boyfriend. Of course, this method fails, and instead, my mom tries to pawn off food that I can't eat on me, and leaves me with more dishes to do. A crazy amount of more dishes to do. Last night there were 7 frying pans, 3 pots, and we were all out of small spoons and butterknives. I didn't eat at home. My sister didn't eat at home. My Dad claims he only had a microwave meal. So why did my mom need to use so many pots, pans, and cutlery items? The world may never know.

Anyway. On op of that, I am currently comletely unable to come home and relax now. My mom is prepping for her graduation, when her sisters are coming up and spending the weekend here. This means trying to spend one week cleaning a house that hasn't been properly cleaned in....well....I don't know if I -CAN- remember it ever being really clean.

In this process my mom was reorganizing the basement, moving all my items and animals around, and managed to move my chinchilla right next to an antique, which he promptly began chewing. Of course she freaked out and blamed me even though she moved him while I wasn't home and therefore had no control over the situation.

She has also been getting on my case to clean my room. Which is mostly clean (most of my mess is laundry) since Gillia came by and helped out.

However, she then brings a giant crate of things from the basement which I had put down there for storage (as I have no room in my room), and demands that I find somewhere to keep it upstairs. In my room. Which is otherwise relatively organized and clean.

All of this is happening after a long day of work (one of the student artists in the show had sloppy presentation with her work - mat boards cut messy and not the right size, etc... and I had to get in touch with her and arrange to give her a lesson in how to correctly measure and mat work) and I am still feeling ultimately stressed from that, so I go to try and take a bath.

Which is interrupted by mom mom harassing me for taking a bath and not doing my laundry.

As soon as I'm out of the bath, I'm critisized again, told that, here I am, slacking off at home, when all they ask me to do is keep my room clean and do the dishes, and I'm jsut horribly slacing, because while I was in the bath, the dishes piled up again. AGAIN. WTF my mother is cooking, I have no idea.

Gods, I'm just such a slacker guys. Think they're gonna raise my rent to compensate for my laziness? That's what they keep saying.

To make things even more brilliant, that's the present they said they're going to give me on my birthday in two weeks.

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